Articles | YMAA

What is Xingyiquan?
October 6, 2008
In order to survive in what is oftentimes a violent and cruel world, animals must very quickly develop the ability to protect themselves from natural dangers and other animals.
Taijiquan Master Kao, Tao - Dr. Yang's teacher
September 23, 2008
Dr. Yang's first Taijiquan master, Grandmaster Kao, Tao (高濤), who Dr. Yang lost contact with after leaving for college and moving to the U.S., was finally found teaching Taiji in Taipei, Taiwan in 2008. This article is a record of that time.
YMAA 25 Years
February 6, 2008
On October 1, 2007, YMAA celebrated its 25-Year Anniversary. There were many phone calls, letters and emails of congratulations.