Articles | YMAA

The Biology of Energy Medicine Part 2
May 9, 2022
"Less Stress, More Energy". This is the driving theory behind Qigong (Energy-Cultivation). If we can coax the body into making more energy (Qi), we will have more resources to meet life's demands, and as a result feel less stress. Simultaneously, as we lower our stress levels, our bodies are able to make energy more efficiently.
The Biology of Energy Medicine Part 1
May 2, 2022
We have spent the last century making light-years of improvement in our understanding of biology, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc. Yet we seem to be less capable, in many ways, of improving human health and well-being as a result of it.
Meet the Author: Bioenergetics Expert Nick Loffree Talks with YMAA Writer Gene Ching About his Qigong Training (video)
February 18, 2022
Bioenergetics expert Nick Loffree talks with YMAA writer Gene Ching about his qigong training with Master Lee Holden, the modern definition of bioenergy or Qi, and his personal healing with qigong after a mental health crisis.
Excerpt from Chojun—A Novel
January 10, 2022
Set in Okinawa during World War II, it’s a story of reverence, the coming of age, love, tragedy, war, and honor. A retired Okinawa karate instructor, Ota Kenichi Ota, writes memoirs of training with world-famous master, Chojun Miyagi.
Meet the Author: Chenhan Yang Discusses Wu-style Tai Chi with Gene Ching (video)
January 8, 2022
YMAA Staff Writer Gene Ching interviews master Chenhan Yang about the unique details of Wu-style Tai Chi Chuan (taijiquan).
Meet the Author: Chenhan Yang Discusses Sun-style Tai Chi with Gene Ching (video) - January 8, 2022
YMAA Staff Writer Gene Ching interviews master Chenhan Yang about the unique details of Sun-style Tai Chi Chuan (taijiquan).