Articles | YMAA

"The Arts Must be Preserved"
December 29, 2008
This year the internationally-established teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, commenced his long-planned ten-year retreat with five students in a newly built center in California.
What is Xingyiquan?
October 6, 2008
In order to survive in what is oftentimes a violent and cruel world, animals must very quickly develop the ability to protect themselves from natural dangers and other animals.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, September 2008
September 23, 2008
Well, to tell the truth, I had never been interested in studying Physics. The only reason why I got so far as to receive my Ph.D. as a mechanical engineer was to prove to myself that I could learn to deal with things I didn’t enjoy doing, even with the constant pressure from society and relatives around me. To receive a Ph.D. in either Physics or Engineering seemed to be the right choice at that time, even though I knew that deeply in my heart, my real interests were Chinese martial arts and Qigong.
Learn How to Move Your Spine
September 4, 2008
Three days before my college graduation, I had the misfortune to be a passenger in a Subaru that broad-sided a Lincoln Continental. At the hospital, the doctor asked me what I did for my scoliosis. "What scoliosis?" I asked, unsure whether it was a spine or a liver problem.
Der Erfolg des YMAA Retreat Center (German)
August 19, 2008
In den letzten 35 Jahren hat Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming die Vorzüge chinesischer Kultur gelehrt und traditionelle Kampfkunstarten in der ganzen Welt populär gemacht.
Training a Sequence Efficiently - August 12, 2008
Over the years I have seen many people train many times a week on regular basis, yet make very little progress in their martial arts ability. They spend a lot of time practicing their sequences, yet after many months of practicing their sequences they have made very little progress.
Teaching Kids Can be Child’s Play - July 3, 2008
Any successful martial arts school can be enhanced through the development of a children’s program.
Teaching Kids Can be Child’s Play - July 3, 2008
Any successful martial arts school can be enhanced through the development of a children’s program.
Meditations on Violence - May 22, 2008
People are weird. They have an almost infinite ability to learn and communicate. At the same time, this amazing ability is used as much for fantasy and entertainment as it is for information and survival. Take, for example, the rhinoceros and the unicorn.
Martial Arts Conditioning and Fighting - Part 2 - May 14, 2008
Traditional martial arts is not supposed to be glamorous, and conditioning is not a very glamorous process, being a very repetitive and monotonous type of exercise requiring many years of training.
Martial Arts Conditioning and Fighting - Part 2 - May 14, 2008
Traditional martial arts is not supposed to be glamorous, and conditioning is not a very glamorous process, being a very repetitive and monotonous type of exercise requiring many years of training.
Martial Arts Conditioning and Fighting - Part 1 - May 9, 2008
Through many years of history, experience, and practice, martial artists realized that in a fight, there are generally three factors that determine victory.
Martial Arts Conditioning and Fighting - Part 1 - May 9, 2008
Through many years of history, experience, and practice, martial artists realized that in a fight, there are generally three factors that determine victory.
Self Qigong Massage, part 2 - April 30, 2008
Although many of the purposes of self-massage are obvious, from the view of Qigong, its functions are wider and more profound. Let's review these purposes so you have a clearer understanding of the "why" of this practice.
Self Qigong Massage, part 2 - April 30, 2008
Although many of the purposes of self-massage are obvious, from the view of Qigong, its functions are wider and more profound. Let's review these purposes so you have a clearer understanding of the "why" of this practice.
Self Qigong Massage, part 1 - April 13, 2008
Self-massage is a natural human instinct to soothe the mind/spirit and ease discomfort in the body. There are many examples of this. If you accidentally get hit with a hard object, you naturally rub the hurt place to lessen the pain and also to keep a bruise from forming.
Self Qigong Massage, part 1 - April 13, 2008
Self-massage is a natural human instinct to soothe the mind/spirit and ease discomfort in the body. There are many examples of this. If you accidentally get hit with a hard object, you naturally rub the hurt place to lessen the pain and also to keep a bruise from forming.
How to Avoid Common Injuries in Your Martial Arts Training - April 1, 2008
Injuries to the hands are common in the martial arts. This occurs because almost all martial artists condition their hands to increase their power and destructive potential.
Generating Martial Power (Jin) - March 19, 2008
Jin, or Martial Power, can generally be divided into three categories: Hard Jin, Soft-Hard Jin and Soft Jin. Among these, Hard Jin uses the most muscular power, followed by Soft-Hard Jin and finally Soft Jin.
Generating Martial Power (Jin) - March 19, 2008
Jin, or Martial Power, can generally be divided into three categories: Hard Jin, Soft-Hard Jin and Soft Jin. Among these, Hard Jin uses the most muscular power, followed by Soft-Hard Jin and finally Soft Jin.
Dealing with an Injury - Training Wisely - February 11, 2008
One thing that intense athletes of all types experience at one time or another is an injury -whether it is just a minor muscle strain or a complete Achilles tendon rupture.
Candle Training - January 28, 2008
In Chinese martial society, candles were once popularly used for training. This is because candles were an important source of lighting in ancient times, and thus were more readily available for practice.
Truly Learning Chin Na - January 21, 2008
Though it is very hard to catch the Chin Na techniques with 100% accuracy from a book and a video, many techniques can still be learned as long as you ponder, practice, and humbly ask.