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This is the Way…of the Dao
September 25, 2023
If you practice Chinese martial arts or qigong, how important is it to understand Daoism? YMAA Staff Writer Gene Ching ruminates on this by reflecting upon his own personal history as a practitioner who is not Daoist.
Taiwan, Teachers, & Training: An Interview with Yang Jwingming ~ Part 2
March 14, 2022
Now that you have provided us with some fascinating background details dealing with family, studies, and work, I'd like to focus on your martial art studies. What exactly got you interested in these arts? Please provide some details about your very first teacher.
Taiwan, Teachers, & Training: An Interview with Yang Jwingming ~ Part 1
March 7, 2022
The name Dr. Yang Jwingming became known to many because of his early publications dealing with Taijiquan. Despite some editorial faults expected in early works by a native-Chinese speaker who was a novice to publishing, his pioneering volumes offered insights and experience into the art that captivated thousands.
Cultivating Observation—Caring for Others
November 23, 2020
"The great learning of the Dao is to pursue comprehension of the bright De (i.e., the manifestation of the Dao) and to influence other people until the ultimate goodness can be reached. Once you know, then your mind is steady without doubts. When the mind is steady, then you are able to acquire calmness. When you are calm, then you find peace. When you are at peace, then you are able to ponder. When you are able to ponder, then you gain. All objects have their initiation and ending and all matters have a beginning and expiration. If one knows the beginning and the end, then one is closer to the Dao."
Theories of Yin-Yang and Kan-Li 陰陽、坎離之理論
March 4, 2019
To practice qigong accurately, you must not only understand the theory but also the correct methods of practice. Knowing the theory correctly places a clear and accurate map in your hands leading you to your goal in the shortest time. Without this map, you may take many years to find the correct path.
An Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: Progress at the YMAA Retreat Center - August 20, 2012
Dr. Yang Jwing Ming is at the halfway point in one of the most ambitious martial adventures in the modern world. Since 2008, Dr. Yang has been living for over nine months every year on a remote piece of land in Humboldt County, in northern California, with a group of disciples who spend their time soaking up Yang’s extensive martial knowledge.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, February 2012 - February 6, 2012
Dr. Yang, What originally brought you to the martial arts?<br>I became interested in martial arts partly because I grew up in a traditional Chinese society. I was born right after World War II in Yang’s Village, which consisted of more than 600 relatives and family members living together.
2012: The Year of the Dragon! - January 23, 2012
The Chinese year 4710 begins on January 23, 2012. According to the Chinese zodiac it will be the Year of the Dragon, the most auspicious of the twelve zodiac animals and the only one that is a mythical creature
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 2 - January 3, 2012
The following article is Part 2 of the English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke, and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine.
Interview of Michael Clarke for El Budoka Magazine-Part 1 - December 28, 2011
The following article is an English translation of an interview between author, Michael Clarke and writer, Juan Luis Cadenas de Llano Bajo for El Budoka magazine. Part No. 1 may be found on Page 50 in issues No. 5.
2011:  The Year of the Rabbit! - January 31, 2011
The Chinese year 4709 begins on February 3, 2011.  According to the Chinese zodiac it will be the Year of the Rabbit, which is associated with peace. The Chinese calendar is lunisolar (not purely lunar). Months begin with the new moon (when it is darkest).  New Year's Day usually falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice.
2010, The Year of the Tiger - Happy Chinese New Year! - February 8, 2010
The Chinese year 4708 begins on February 14, 2010, the year of the Tiger, with its association to bravery. This year, the date has special significance since it also happens to fall on Valentine's Day, making it a doubly auspicious day to celebrate in the West.
The Dao of Kung Fu - 武道 - October 15, 2009
Religion is full of paradox, and Eastern religions are no exception. One of the most compelling paradoxes is that Eastern religions (Buddhism and Daoism) are closely linked with the martial arts.
Intervista con Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Italian) - September 8, 2009
A oltre sessant’ anni di eta’, il maestro Yang Jwing Ming, gia’ membro della Hall of Fame della rivista Inside Kung Fu, fondatore di un’associazione marziale con filiali in tutto il mondo e instancabile propagatore delle arti marziali cinesi tramite decine di libri e DVD didattici, sta materializzando il sogno di una vita.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming (Samurai Magazine) - August 27, 2009
Dr. Yang, could you please summarize for our readers how the first year went? With the exception of a few events, the first year of the 10 year program went very smoothly. In this year, I have learned how to treat today’s younger generation.
The Race to Nowhere - January 15, 2009
The New Year has arrived. &ldquo;What are you committed to?&rdquo; asks Seabourne. &ldquo;You might find yourself searching for an answer. Although you may not be preparing for a big race or have any clearly defined fitness goals--or any goals--you are still committed.&rdquo;
"The Arts Must be Preserved" - December 29, 2008
This year the internationally-established teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, commenced his long-planned ten-year retreat with five students in a newly built center in California.
Growing Up Wudang, part 2 - December 17, 2008
It wasn’t until my third year at Wudang that I started to find the training interesting, and started to train harder because I was genuinely interested in it.
Growing Up Wudang - December 9, 2008
When I was in fourth grade my grandfather fell ill, and because we needed money for hospital bills, I had to leave school. I worked on our farmland, helping my family plant corn and cotton.
Zhang, San-Feng and the Ancient Origins of Taijiquan (References) - November 21, 2008
The origin of Taijiquan is a controversial issue. Some trace Taijiquan to the Chen family in the 1600's and others trace the art further back to Master Zhang, San-Feng. Both are correct. And neither of them created Taijiquan.
Interview with Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, September 2008 - September 23, 2008
Well, to tell the truth, I had never been interested in studying Physics. The only reason why I got so far as to receive my Ph.D. as a mechanical engineer was to prove to myself that I could learn to deal with things I didn&rsquo;t enjoy doing, even with the constant pressure from society and relatives around me. To receive a Ph.D. in either Physics or Engineering seemed to be the right choice at that time, even though I knew that deeply in my heart, my real interests were Chinese martial arts and Qigong.
Der Erfolg des YMAA Retreat Center (German) - August 19, 2008
In den letzten 35 Jahren hat Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming die Vorzüge chinesischer Kultur gelehrt und traditionelle Kampfkunstarten in der ganzen Welt populär gemacht.
Taijiquan Yin Yang - August 5, 2008
Yin and Yang are opposite (i.e., relative) to each other instead of absolute. That is Yin can become Yang and Yang can change into Yin. Yin and Yang can be exchanged mutually depending on the observer’s Xin and Yi.
Taijiquan Yin Yang - August 5, 2008
Yin and Yang are opposite (i.e., relative) to each other instead of absolute. That is Yin can become Yang and Yang can change into Yin. Yin and Yang can be exchanged mutually depending on the observer’s Xin and Yi.
Wuji - The State of Emptiness - July 30, 2008
Wuji (無極) is a state of emptiness or simply a single point in space. There is no discrimination and there are no polarities (or poles). According to Yi Jing (i.e., Book of Change), originally the universe was in a Wuji state.